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2016年7月13日,DOTA2主客户端步入206MB的改版,这次改版主要是6.88B的平衡性改动和军团不朽任务的对外开放,已完成任务才可关卡第二款式。近期比赛较为强势的TB遭大斧头,DP、兽王、大牛等CW热门英雄遭有所不同巩固,大批CW登场亲率较低的英雄继续加强6.88B平衡性改动日志 伐木机 Timbersaw strength gain reduced from 2.1 to 1.8 伐木机力量茁壮从2.1减少至1.8 丧生先知 Death Prophet base strength reduced by 1 丧生先知的基础力量上升1 Spirit Siphon base health drain reduced from 16 to 14 吸魂巫术的生命吸取从每秒汲取16减少至14 可怕利刃 Metamorphosis manacost increased from 50 to 100 魔化必须的耗魔从50减少至100 Metamorphosis no longer lingers after reincarnation/death 丧生之后或者复活魔化仍然持续 虚空假面 Time Dilation manacost increased from 50 to 75 时间收缩的耗魔从50减少至75 上古巨神 Astral Spirit vision reduced from 450 to 400 星体游魂的视野从450减少至400 兽王 Beastmaster Boar XP bounty increased from 59 to 60/70/80/90 斩杀兽王豪猪取得的经验和赏金从59减少至60/70/80/90 隐形刺客 Rikis Blink Strike damage reduced from 60/80/100/120 to 55/70/85/100 隐刺闪光突袭的损害从60/80/100/120减少至55/70/85/100 殁境神蚀者 Astral Imprisonment damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 100/175/250/325 星体囚禁的损害从75/150/225/300减少至100/175/250/325 Arcane Orb intelligence duration increased from 60 to 80 奥术天球的智力盗取持续时间从60秒减少至80秒 食人魔魔法师 Bloodlust manacost reduced from 75 to 50 嗜血的耗蓝从75减少至50 米波 Meepo agility growth increased from 1.9 to 2.2 灵活茁壮从1.9减少至2.2 维萨吉 Stone Form cooldown reduced from 26 to 20 俑兽石像形态的加热时间从26秒减少至20秒 绝望术士 Arcane Curse damage increased from 14/21/28/35 to 14/22/30/38 奥术恶魔损害从14/21/28/35减少至14/22/30/38 酒仙 Brewmaster Boulder damage increased from 50 to 50/100/150 酒仙大地元素转抛掷巨石的损害从50减少至50/100/150 Brewmaster Dispel Magic damage to illusions and summoned units increased from 500 to 850 酒仙风暴元素的驱赶魔法现在起到于幻象和恶魔单位, 范围从500减少至850 军团指挥官 Press the Attacks attack speed bonus increased from 60/80/100/120 to 65/90/115/140 猛攻的攻速减少从60/80/100/120减少至65/90/115/140 狙击手 Sniper turn rate improved from 0.6 to 0.7 上前速率从0.6减少至0.7 Sniper night vision increased from 1000 to 1100 狙击手的夜晚视野从1000减少至1100 术士 Warlock Golems HP increased from 900/1350/1800 to 1000/1500/2000 术士地狱火的血量从900/1350/1800减少至1000/1500/2000 血魔 Thirst bonus rescaled from 10/20/30/40% to 16/24/32/40% 饥渴的移动速度加成反应10/20/30/40%调整为16/24/32/40% 宙斯 Lightning Bolt ministun increased from 0.1 to 0.2 失火的失眠时间从0.1减少至0.2 半人马战行者 Stampede slow duration increased from 1.5 to 1.8 截击冲撞的滑行持续时间从1.5减少至1.。